
Membership is available to those who profess an interest in gerodontology. Prospective members shall make a formal application at least one month prior to the Annual General Meeting. Those who are members of a national gerodontologic organization will on application automatically be eligible for membership. Application for membership must be approved by the Annual General Meeting. The membership rate is 75€ per year and includes subscription of the Journal Gerodontology with four issues per year.

The most convenient way to pay your membership fee is to directly transfer it into the account of the ECG:
Account holder: European College of Gerodontology. (The account currency is Euros).
Bank and address: Valiant Bank AG, Bundesplatz 4, Postfach, 3001 Bern, Switzerland
IBAN: CH18 0630 0503 3492 9511 9

Become a new member

If you are interested in becoming a member download the membership application form together with the membership payment form and send it to the Secretary and the Treasurer of the ECG respectively.

Renew membership

To renew your membership please complete and return the membership payment form to the Treasurer of the ECG.

PayPal option:

You can pay with your credit card via PayPal.
Please allow €5 handling fee for this payment method.

Need an invoice?

If you need an invoice for your university, please contact

Gerodontology Journal

Gerodontology Journal

Official Journal of the Gerodontology Association

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ECG Research Award